Pedorthist Kamloops

Pedorthist Kamloops

Foot pain and discomfort can make life difficult. It can be hard to walk and may make it impossible to stand for long periods of time. There are some ways to resolve foot and ankle pain with help from a pedorthist in Kamloops. A pedorthist is a professional who specializes in providing orthotics and modified footwear to address issues with foot and ankle pain. The specialist may utilize a variety of things including corrective footwear and devices designed to be placed inside footwear to eliminate or reduce discomfort.

Relieve Foot Pain and Discomfort

Foot pain can occur for a number of reasons. Sometimes this type of pain and discomfort can be resolved with help from a pedorthist in Kamloops. One of the most important things you can do to resolve foot pain is to choose the correct footwear. Many times people are not wearing the properly sized shoes. This alone can cause some serious problems as well as pain.

Another problem that some people have is that they wear shoes that do not adequately support their feet. Ill-fitting and inexpensive footwear often do not give your feet the arch support necessary. This may end up hurting your feet. Shoes that are too tight or not wide enough can make your toes push together. After awhile, this causes pain and other foot problems.

A pedorthist in Kamloops will start by reviewing your symptoms with you and measuring your feet. Some people have never had their feet professionally measured. This can make a world of difference because you will learn the exact size and width shoes you should be wearing for maximum comfort.

Customized Orthotics

Orthotics are customized inserts that are created specifically for your feet. They are similar to insoles but are much more supportive. They are designed to fit into your shoes and they are molded based on measurements taken by the pedorthist. The orthotics are then ordered and when they arrive you will return to ensure that they fit properly.

Orthotics can help support and hold your foot in areas where it is specifically needed. Everyone’s feet are different and the way you walk can have an impact on pain. At the same time, when your feet hurt you may start walking differently to alleviate the pain. These issues can worsen over time.

Visit a Pedorthist in Kamloops

The sooner you visit a professional the sooner you can begin to reduce or eliminate your foot pain. While not all foot problems can be solved with footwear and orthotics, many of them can be reduced. If you are being medically treated you may be able to obtain orthotics under your insurance if you have a doctor’s reference. Wearing the proper shoes can help improve your foot pain over time. At Balanced Foot Care we have certified pedorthists to assist you with choosing footwear, obtaining custom orthotics and offering other ways to help reduce discomfort. Visit our website to learn more about our products and services or call today to schedule an appointment.  

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