custom orthotics Kamloops

Custom Orthotics Kamloops

If you’re like a lot of people who deal with painful foot problems, you may have tried off-the-shelf inserts to relieve discomfort that comes from walking, running, or simply spending a day with your feet inside of your shoes. You may have found that store-bought solutions aren’t personalized to the degree that would be helpful, but worry about the high costs of custom orthotics in Kamloops. Balanced Foot Care has the solution.

It’s Not the Orthotics- It’s Your Shoes

Nearly half of all people questioned as to whether they’ve ever owned the perfect pair of shoes respond that they have not once been able to find a shoe that fits their feet without being too narrow in one place or another, too high or low in the arch, or prone to cause blisters. When you consider how much time your feet spend inside of your shoes, it becomes apparent that the shoe itself is a pretty important part of the equation when looking at solutions to sore feet.

At Balanced Foot Care, we believe the perfect shoe creates the right foundation for a pain-free environment for your feet. Our certified pedorthists are specially trained to treat foot and lower limb discomforts; the tools of our trade- insoles, orthopedic shoes, and the finest custom orthotics in Kamloops. We’ll fit you with the right style of shoe to relieve pain and address your pressure-points that your fashionable footwear may be aggravating.

Education as Part of Treatment

Our staff at Balanced Foot Care believes strongly in providing in-service training as an essential part of each customer’s treatment. Your assessment of our knowledgeable team is the first step on your journey to owning more comfortable shoes. Our on-site manufacturing lab is capable of creating custom-made orthotics and braces that do a much better job of addressing the needs of our customers than over-the-counter products.

If you worry about not being able to stay active due to foot, ankle, or knee pain, book your in-store assessment with our team by calling our office or by using our online contact form. We can keep your feet healthy so you can stay active.

What’s in a Name?

While it’s entirely accurate that many shoe brands are popular in name only- once customers get them home and have had them on their feet for a few days, their actual value becomes apparent. We don’t believe in selling high-dollar footwear that will ultimately let our customers down. We work with a handful of shoe brands that we have chosen for the quality that has been built into them.

We proudly carry Keen Shoes, Brooks Running, SOLE, Ecco, Portofino, and Patagonia. We believe the shoe brands that we work with are the best in the industry at delivering the comfort and support necessary to our customers spending quality time on their feet. Along with a higher quality of shoes, we also carry the best custom orthotics in Kamloops. Feel free to visit our store on Seymour St when you’re in the neighborhood.
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